Hi, I’m Michael Marvosh, no PhD. I call myself that a little jokingly because unlike those with PhDs I don’t know a lot about anything in particular.

But I’m curious about everything. Whether that works to my advantage or my detriment may never be seen. But I sure to like to wonder. Especially about what’s true.

I am obsessed with truth. I mean truth itself. Things that are true are interesting, but not nearly as interesting as what truth is.

My mission is to help people discover more truth. The more I do this, the more I learn about truth itself.

In the past, I’ve tried lots of different things. Coaching, tutoring, consulting, writing. All of those are on hold for the moment, because while I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, I think that if I don’t gain some focus I probably won’t generate much traction.

Still, something brought you here, so if you’re still with me and you want to learn more, click here to get my book.

Or here to visit my biweekly newsletter archive.

Or here to visit my infrequently-updated blog (really the newsletter is the place).

Or here to visit my projects page to see what I’m up to.
